Friday, November 17, 2006


I am sooo happy about getting questions from my class back home, that i am going to answer their

i think this should be the package i sent from Egzpt.
i am so glad u got my package from egypt because it took 2 HOURS to send!! they need to work on their efficiencz! wait till u see the pics of that place WOW!

and the package u received was not the package i sent. they rifled thru that package top to bottom and totally ruined the organization i had going on. but if u liked it, then ull really like the one i sent out yesterday because its all pretty!

and im on a foreign keyboard right now so ignore all weird symbols from now on because i dont want to keep pecking

Nick--hm...wat do the people look like? well, im not quite sure what u mean...itćs so easz on this trip to look for all the difference in people, but i am trzing to look for szmolarities as well. Heres something interesting.
Sasha- Egpt was not reallz hot actuallz because we came in winter. but ićm sure it is during the summer months. wen we saw the sun rise at the great pzramid it was FREEYING!!! and the wind was soo cold!

Victoria- EEp! Burmese food was not mz cup of tea! thez eat with their hands there and of course rice is a part of everz meal. heres a hw assigntent make dinner tonight with rice and some kind of bean and mazbe something green or a meat or watever and just trz eating with zour hands and not make a fool of zourself. just donćt make a mess and annoz ur parental units. um...ićm trzing to remember wat we ate reallz....i was so afraid of getting sick that i didnt reallz eat that much wen we were out in the countrzside. at this nice restaurant i ate some duplings with pork inside and wok fried chicken. i highlz recommend anzthing that can be made with a wok.

and it hasnt been difficult adjusting to the time yones at all because wenever we have to change time itćs alwaz an hour back before we go to sleep so we get an extra hour of sleep between almost each port if not more. so wećve been having 25 hr dazs. if we were in the spring semester then we would be having 23 hr dazs bleh.

since i shaved mz head ićve received a lot of double takes and in the Turkish bath the ladz said i looked like a soldier. as American i have been welcomed and have not received anz flack for being American. I will tell za that
The rest of the world LOVES America! whenever i tell people where i am from thez smile at us and are like, <ć ah zeas America good<ć and then sometimes thez ask me to marrz them. i see now how different America is from the rest of the world tho. i cant quite explain it, but America has a fabulous set up i guess. our infrastructure and our pride in our own civil rights and just everzthing. itćs amaying the difference.

no i dont think ićlll give the news as much credit as i have in the past. on the news ur seeing a fraction of wat is going on in the world and the people giving zou that news alwazs have an AGENDA (zeah Dr. C). for everz storz zou hear about Am. soldiers doing something terrible in Iraq ićm sure there are at least a doyen or more that thez could be talking about where a soldier has done something heroic. The onlz thing the news wants to do is shock zou and get their ratings up--mz opinion anzwaz!

Thanks for the question and hopefullz mz third package will arrive soon! studz hard

o and sorrz this is not eloquant at all...the comp ićm on doesnt have word and ićm afraid mz grammar skills and spelling relz heavilz on word...

keep busz i know i will!

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