Friday, September 1, 2006

Hello people

Chrys--u so funny. and my room number is 4044

Okay, here’s the update, MY WRIST IS KILLING ME!! I can barely take notes! Which is why I’m updating this site. It hurts to journal. I don’t know what I did to it, but I wish I could figure it out.

Anyway, that was my complaint for the day. I’m trying not to do too much of that since I’m on a CRUISE SHIP going around the world and all. But I’ll tell ya—some of these kids…all they know is how to complain! “The internet is sooo slow, the lines to buy beer are ridiculous, I don’t wanna wait in line for my shirt, and on and on and on.” GET OVER IT ALREADY! We’re in the middle of the ocean, people, how fast do you expect the internet to work? And you can buy beer a lot cheaper when we get into port instead of wasting it here on the ship. My goodness!

Ok, I’ll be honest. The only thing that’s actually annoyed me is the cutoff for classes. I wasn’t able to take Bioethics because apparently it is indeed full. The prof. told me that there was one spot left, but no. And they wouldn’t set up a waiting list in case people dropped. So in order to get that spot you had to be at the right place at the right time. When I found this out my reaction was, “oh well.” I’m not going to spend my day in line waiting to see if I may make it into a class only if some one else standing in front of my happens to drop my particular class. Some profs are kind of annoyed that they are soo strict about the number of students allowed in the class. Apparantly it’s a UVA thing… but it’s worked out okay. This way, I’m not taking too many classes and I can still sit in and sort of audit the ones that sound interesting without worrying about doing the papers and stuff. And I can join more clubs now too. (i'm starting a Self Defense club) With bioethics I would have had class on B days from 9:20 to 2:00 with only lunch in between. FUN!

Anyway, we get to Hawaii on Sat. and it’s going to be a day of beaches, shopping for food, and beaches. I only have one project I need to do in Hawaii for Field Methods and I’m golden.

Something interesting—I thought being on a ship and living on a ship would feel weird. But it doesn’t. It feels perfectly normal to wake up every day and go up to the six deck to work out, then stretch for a while outside while the sun’s still rising, shower, breakfast, Global Studies, then the rest of my day. Normal. All of it. Maybe it’s because the stuff we do on the ship is so mundane and normal, or the same as what we’d be doing back at home….with maybe a little less TV—which I’ll be honest and say I miss. But hopefully I’ll get over soon enough.

Today was the first day when the sun came out and people could actually lay out in the sun. It’s been pretty cloudy since we got on and actually kind of cool on deck.

I’m starting to plan for Japan and China now. I might have found a group of people I can do Japan with. A girl named Becca and I think her roommate named Lucy, I can’t quite remember.

More on that when I have more information. Oh and the addresses too….because I cant expect any mail without giving you guys the addresses.

Okay that’s all for now!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Melody! Hahah! As far as that first comment goes regarding the "complaining" on board - that is because it's mostly American students! I'm not kidding - your post reminded me of my former roommate Abby's post when she studied abroad in Europe this summer. Her blog ( She said that the GMU students (her peers) found something to complain about on the first day! Hahah!!

Sounds like you are keeping your expectations in check. It's always easier to complain - it'll be interesting if that continues once you visit some of these 3rd world countries! It's a great reminder for the first week of marriage too!! Paul is going to CVS to find something to help w/ snoring because he was booted out to the couch last night!!

We've started watching - you will not believe it - Little House on the Prairie after work together. LOL!! The cool thing is that this produces a lot of laughter and I'm even getting more confidence w/ cooking meals! I am looking forward to going out to dinner on Saturday though - and Jessica Taylor brought over two rounds of leftover lemon wedding cake. Whoa!!

I miss you a ton. I'm praying for you and hope that your wrist heals soon!


Anonymous said...

p.s. way to go on working out in the morning. Paul and I made it to the Rec Center only once this week. Our goal is 5 times a week!