Sunday, September 24, 2006

New Questions

Question from Shivani: What are fashions like in Japan?Question from Alice: Did you like Japan more than Hawaii?Question from Erin: How is Japanese money different from American?

Shivani- I felt sooo underdressed the whole time we were in Japan! Everyone was so put together and accessorized! All the women were wearing heals even though you walk everywhere and they all looked like they were in pain too! I was in pain and i was wearing sneakers. As far as specific fashion goes i would say they all seemed to wear a lot of layers if that makes sense. Like skirts with tights underneath and then a tankini with a thing over that and a sweater and then the jewelry! it looked like it took them a lot longer to get ready in the morning than it takes me. Not to mention i brought very few clothes with me and we can only do so much laundry on the ship! I'm doing a cross cultural comparison of woman in advertising for my trip so i looked at a lot of the fashion magazines and billboards. And i was surprised at how many fair blonde women were all over the place! Even the Asian women they showed in adverstisements were very pale.

Alice- Japan was AMAZING! and i guess i liked it more than hawaii in a different way. i like hawaii for the beaches and the laziness. i liked Japan for the people and it's rich culture. Japanese people were SO NICE! always smiling and bowing at you and wanting to help even if they didn't know English very well. Their trains are soo efficient and i don't think a train was late a single time! Oh and something i forgot to write i think--children as young as five or six run around the train stations going to school by themselves. this isn't just like the bus stop down the street. these kids are in major cities and they go all over the place in their uniforms and one was even able to tell us directions!! we heard him speaking English to some one and we just said the name of the place and he actually told us the platform to go to!!!

Erin-Japanes money is very easy to figure out. First off in appearance it's a lot more colorful and prettier than Am money, but i have been staring at it for 20 years so that could be why. 1000 yen is like 10 bucks, 10000 yen is like 100 bucks. So it was pretty easy to just move the decimal over. but it was kind of weird every now and then to pay "$1000" for something. It's even more obvious here in Hong Kong the difference in value because i just bought a $120.00 pizza yesterday that's roughly 14 bucks.

thank you all for ur questions
how many people are in ur class?
i'll try to update wat i did in Hong Kong sometime tonight when there arent SCREAMING kids in the coffee place banging on the tables on the comp next to me. and i mean SCREAMING i can feel it in my ear drums! I can't blieve their parents are letting these boys be this loud in this little coffee shop and i'm glad they can't see me writing about them on the net! :) cheers!



Anonymous said...

it sounds sooo neat..thanks for updating about the culture of Japan. I'm living vicariously through you. Was it as hot and humid in Hong Kong as I've heard?


Anonymous said...

My roommate this year is from Japan and you're right about the high heels. I think that's all she brought with her. And we live on a hill and on a campus with a lot of brick walkways and such that have bricks popping out and sinking and all. She did go and buy a pair of tennis shoes though sometime last week but I think she wears her heels much more than those. And she's extremely polite. I almost feel bad asking her to do stuff becuase she apologizes about everything.